Last week, we reported to parents and taxpayers that Natick Public Schools’ 5th and 6th grade middle school health curriculum indoctrinates children in biased and potentially harmful concepts about the so-called difference between sex and gender through a collection of classroom videos:
“Genitals and body don’t actually reflect anything about a person’s gender at all.” (Minus18 Video: What are Pronouns?)
“Our sex assigned at birth…is based on how someone else sees our bodies.” (Amaze Org Video: Sex Assigned at Birth and Gender Identity: What’s the Difference?)
“Back in your day, most people understood the world in terms of just boys and girls. But now we know gender is more complex than that…” (Amaze Org Video: Range of Gender Identities)
Our investigative reporting also uncovered more of this indoctrinating gender content. In this Amaze Org animated video (Expressing Myself. My Way), Natick Public Schools’ middle school students are shown how innocently and easily a child can just change “who they really are.” Through a series of trial-and-error locker room changes, Charles becomes Charlotte, Darla is now Darren, and Skyler—well this kid isn't interested in either the boy or girl thing. Skyler wants “a new path” and “it isn’t one of those” and can also be different by the day!
As you can see, the district’s health instructional materials deliberately conflate and misrepresent ideas around biological sex, gender norms, and stereotyping to indoctrinate children in warped concepts about gender. With catchy, kid-friendly tunes to sing along to, children are now told that gender is simply about “originality” and each of us having “a style” no matter how you are born.
Unfortunately, the only thing this indoctrinating video gets right is that these “non-binary” and transgender children get a lot of social media “likes” and attention as a result of their new identities. Sadly, gender confused children often receive an avalanche of artificial positive reinforcement once they declare a new trans or gender non-conforming status. After all, our schools are encouraging children to celebrate these misguided and potentially life-changing decisions.
We've reached a pivotal point where Natick Public Schools are now taxpayer-funded indoctrination centers for radical gender ideology that’s creeping into all levels of our children’s education under the guise of diversity, equity and inclusion…and “originality” and “style.” And also according to this indoctrinating video shown to Natick middle schoolers, if you’re confused, well you “just don’t understand.”
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