Parental Rights Natick Inc. is a local, nonpartisan, non-profit organization that provides a critical public service for parents, caregivers, and children in the Natick community. We’re leading the way to restore responsible education in our public schools—healthy policies, non-political curriculum, and guaranteed parental rights.
​Champions education transparency for K-12 curriculum and instructional materials. | Upholds educational integrity by removing biased and grievance-based content. | Supports collaboration between parents and schools to shape your child's education journey. |
​Insists on parental consent and involvement for gender support plans and social transitioning. | Celebrates diverse perspectives and ideas to enrich your child’s learning experience. | Reinforces the fundamental right of parents to guide their child’s care, education and upbringing. |
Allows for student exemptions from any content that impacts your child’s health and wellbeing, including gender identity. | Promotes educational materials and discussion that teach children how to think not what to think. | Honors childhood innocence and safety for all children no matter their background or religion. |
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