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KMS Health Newsletter Contradicts Natick Public Schools’ Harmful Gender Policies. So, What’s Really Going On?

Updated: Jul 22

A Kennedy Middle School health newsletter distributed to students’ parents this week recognizes that strong partnerships with families is key to helping students develop life skills and identify healthy behaviors. And, the school also believes parents and guardians are their child's primary educator—each family having its own values and beliefs about health topics. 

If all of this is true, why is the Natick School Committee refusing to let parents opt their own children out of controversial, high-risk gender ideology lessons that conflict with the moral, philosophical and religious beliefs of many families? And why is the district allowing children to socially identify and behave as another gender at school without the consent or involvement of parents?!! 

Gender identity is a health topic taught in 5th and 6th grade health class with specific lesson plans that teach children that gender is decided by your brain. The lessons also indoctrinate children in ideas about synthetic identities, since gender ideology supports the notion that there are limitless possibilities to the way a child wants to live their gender and sexuality. Since when are no boundaries healthy for any child?

Indoctrinating children in gender ideology doesn't stop at just health curriculum. At a middle school assembly hosted by PFLAG, children learned that there are lots of options and blurry boundaries to gender—for teens, kids, and even infants. Students reported they were also told that it’s our job (children and parents) to affirm all of the self-declared identities of children who “come out.” This, despite the overwhelming evidence and studies that show the harms children can suffer when we interfere with their natural development.  

To make matters worse, if you might not “affirm” the gender confusion of your own child, the Natick School Committee has a Gender Identity Policy that allows Natick Public Schools to hide this health information from you as a parent. The risks and potential liabilities associated with this type of outrageous policy is outlined in this 15-page legal letter sent to Shai Fuxman, Natick School Committee Chair who is up for re-election, along with Town of Natick officials. 

If Natick Public Schools truly believes parents and guardians are their child’s primary educator around family values and beliefs about health topics, parents should be able to opt their children out of lessons that teach high-risk, controversial ideas about gender. The Natick School Committee should adopt this proposed student exemption solution to the indoctrination problem students are facing in Natick Public Schools to align with what the district already knows—family values and parental authority are primary!  

The School Committee should also abolish its parental exclusion Gender Identity Policy that can keep parents in the dark about their child’s gender status at school—parental consent and involvement in all NPS Gender Support Plans should be required!

We’ve reached a pivotal point in Natick Public Schools where adults in positions of authority are imposing gender ideology on other people’s children through high-risk school policies and supporting practices. 

Email the Natick School Committee at to voice your concerns about indoctrinating curriculum, biased education, and unhealthy gender policies!

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