Did you know that the Natick Public Schools Gender Support Plan makes accommodations for biological males in biological female spaces?! But why is NPS prioritizing the comfort of transgender students in female spaces over the comfort of females?! How is this equitable?
It's bad enough the Gender Support Plan lets children change their gender status at school without parental consent. To make matters worse, the plan also involves things such as deciding which facilities the child uses, where the child changes clothes, and what facilities the child uses for class trips, including overnight trips!

Shai Fuxman, the current Natick School Committee Chair who is up for re-election, is on record supporting biological males (transgender girls) in biological female spaces, saying "students will be supported to participate in facilities in a manner consistent with their gender identity of choice." However, what we haven't heard from Shai is why NPS is prioritizing the comfort of transgender students over the majority of other students in these spaces.
One Natick mother says her daughter (and other girls) had to change in the Natick High School girls locker room bathroom stalls for privacy because an "intact" male was allowed in the locker room! Once again, the current Natick School Committee is willing to abandon the needs of many students to accommodate the needs of a very small group of other students. Natick Public Schools prioritizes biological male students' comfort in girls locker rooms and bathrooms over the comfort of female students!
Email the Natick School Committee at schoolcommittee@natickps.org to voice your concerns about unhealthy gender policies.
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