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Save More Girls Like Sophia and Chloe: NATICK PUBLIC SCHOOLS Should Stop Secret Student Gender Transitions


The evidence is in: The aggressive affirmation approach to the social transitioning of gender-questioning students is bad for them and for schools, but why isn't Natick Public Schools listening? 

Watch Alex Capo of New York’s Charlton School describe the journey from bad gender policies to a healthier approach to sex and gender in his presentation to the Bigger Picture Conference in Lisbon. Not surprisingly, this offers a very compelling case for gender support plans that include parents! It also validates current research that shows 80% of gender confused/questioning children will desist (re-identify as their natal sex) if they don't experience any medical intervention related to gender transitioning.

That's why it's critical for Natick Public Schools to fix its Gender Identity Policy and related Gender Support Plan that potentially harm gender confused/questioning students through an aggressive affirmation approach that can exclude parents and divide families. The district should, instead, adopt a policy that reflects current research and practices that value parental involvement and clinical oversight.

When Natick Public Schools decides to socially transition students in secret while their parents are kept in the dark in the name of student "agency" and "safety," the district devalues the parent-child relationship and may put the mental and physical health of minors at risk—we know that social transition is a significant therapeutic intervention and should be treated accordingly.

Gender confused/questioning children don't need their confusion "affirmed" by Natick Public Schools with unqualified staff members acting as a "transition support team" while parents are kept in the dark. Like Sophia and Chloe and so many others, gender confused/questioning kids in Natick Public Schools unquestionably need and deserve their parents.

Email the Natick School Committee at to voice your concerns about its risky gender policy and practices that allow school administrators and staff to hide your child's chosen gender identity from you.

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