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NPS ALERT: Legal Letter Sent to Natick School Committee and Town Officials About NPS Gender Parental Exclusion Policy!

Parents, grandparents, taxpayers, and voters: Yesterday, Natick School Committee Chair Shai Fuxman (who is up for re-election) received a 15-page legal letter about the risks and harms associated with the school district's current Gender Identity Support Policy, which can exclude parents! Natick town officials, including school administrators, the police chief, and the director of public health also received a copy of this letter: read it here.

As you probably know, we've been reporting on the harmful and divisive Gender Identity Support Policy and related support plans that can keep parents in the dark about their child changing his/her gender status at school without parental consent or involvement.

The Natick School Committee has been ignoring the reasonable concerns of parents and Natick taxpayers reflected in our Gender Parental Consent Policy Proposal, which asks the School Committee to change this policy to require parental consent for all student gender transitions at school.

Now, this 15-page legal letter, on behalf of Natick taxpayer clients, strongly argues the potential liabilities and other consequences created by the district's Gender Identity Support Policy, such as:

  1. No state or federal law requires the school’s concealment from parents of their minor child’s questioning gender identity or the school district’s role in enabling a minor child to socially transition.

  2. International health organizations, including the World Professional Association for Transgender Healthcare, in its latest guidance from 2022, recognize that parental and caregiver involvement with social transitioning has both benefits and risks but, for minor children, social transitioning must involve parents or caregivers for support and acceptance for the child’s sake.

  3. The Gender Policy lacks an affirmative requirement requiring parental permission before socially transitioning a minor and is, therefore, inconsistent with Massachusetts laws, Town of Natick laws, Natick Public Schools and Town of Natick regulations related to minor children.

  4. The lack of policy, legal, and social consensus regarding the risks and benefits of social transitioning for minor children emphasizes the necessary inclusion of parents or guardians in minor children decision-making with life-long consequences.

  5. The possible claims Natick Public Schools could face when it enforces the Gender Policy without parental or guardian participation as a mandate, is significant and could have serious consequences for Natick Public Schools.

  6. Natick Public Schools Gender Policy should be updated to mandate notification and obtaining permission from parents or guardians regarding issues of social transitioning.

If you believe in child safeguarding and parents having authority over the health and wellbeing of their children, vote for James Roberts for Natick School Committee on Tuesday, March 26 who promises to help put parents back in charge of their children.

Will you also forward this email to at least one other concerned Natick voter?!

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